
الهوية الدولية لحقوق المؤلف والحماية للملكية الفكرية



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The Impact of Management Information Systems on the Performance of Governmental Organizations- Study at Jordanian Ministry of Planning

Authore(s) : Dr. Shehadeh M.A.AL-Gharaibeh || Assistant prof. Business Administration Department Economic and Business Collage Jadara University Irbid.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, January - 2018

Abstract : This  study  aimed  to  identify the  impact  of  management  information  systems  (MIS)  on  the performance  of governmental organizations, Jordanian Ministry of Planning – case study, a sample consisted of 77 employees in the ministry, the study found: there is no impact of hardware and software equipment on the performance of governmental organizations, there is a significant impact of networks,  individuals and procedures, and management information system as a whole on the performance of governmental organizations. At the end researchers recommended the ministry updating MIS continuously, engaging employees in building systems, and train then on the system.

Keywords :Management information system, performance management, governmental organization.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 301/704

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the Performance of Governmental Organizations- Study

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10037

Number of Downloads : 100

References :
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