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Authore(s) : Dr. Ghulam Jilany Khan || Faculty of PharmacyUniversity of Central PunjabLahore Pakistan.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, February - 2018

Abstract : From  ancient times,  humankind has  used self-created traditional  methods for handling the illnesses and continues to use them along with modern medicine. Even today, more than 70% of the world’s population still depends on the complementary and alternative systems of medicine (CAM). The objective of this study  is to create awareness of health  hazards  with the use  of CAM therapies and  to find out its utility among Pakistani population. Comprehensive questionnaire was  developed for the  study  on  the  use  of CAM and  was  distributed to  470 patients/attendants in different hospitals of Lahore as well as major hospitals and clinical setups in the peripheral regions of Lahore,  Pakistan. Over all, the response rate of the study was 81.7% while 78.1  % population found  as  CAM user.  The most  common type  of alternative medicine used by patients is from Hakeem (Natural Therapist) which is about 17% and  the most  frequent disease for which  patients often  go  for CAM therapy is liver diseases (19%).  Respondents found  inclined  towards CAM only due  to its marketed false  benefits and  not because of their dissatisfaction with conventional therapy. Conclusions: A noteworthy population of Pakistan is using  CAM therapies from different practitioners, irrespective of any education and  awareness about their disease and  long-term drawbacks because of improper treatment of the  disease. Though adverse events due to the use  of CAM therapy are not unusual still a delay in the proper treatment usually  ends up in serious consequences and  even  loss  of lives.  

Keywords :Complimentary alternative medicine, Hakeem, Liver Diseases, Modern medicine, Conventional therapy.

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Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10024

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