A Study on Digital Marketing and Its Impact
Volume : v(8), Issue : 6, May - 2018
Abstract : India is quickest growing massive economy within the world, it still popularly called the country of villages. Digital promoting trade in India may be a booming career nowadays. During a country with a zoom economy, it's expected to possess a awfully high vital growth in Digital promoting career . Digital marketing is the avenue of electronic communication which is used by the marketers to endorse the goods and the services towards the marketplace. The supreme purpose of the digital marketing is concerned with consumers and allows the customers to intermingle with the product by virtue of digital media. This editorial concentrates on the magnitude of digital promotion for both customers and marketers. We scrutinize the result of digital marketing on the base of firm’s sales. 100 respondents opinion are collected to get the clear picture about the present study.
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A Study on Digital Marketing and Its Impact
Vol.I v(8), Issue.I 6