How consumer brand preference is affected by the packaging features and attributes of a product
Authore(s) : Ghadeer Kaddour || Ph.D Student
Volume : (13), Issue : 205, May - 2018
Abstract : This study aims to describe How consumer brand preference is affected by the packaging features and attributes of a product, the part of packaging in Lebanese consumer’s perception of product quality at the purpose of procurement. The examination involves four free factor: Protection of products and purchaser, Promotion of products, assistance of capacity, utilize, and accommodation of products, help of reusing and decreasing ecological harm and the reliant variable is Lebanese consumer’s perception of product quality at the Point of procurement. The analyst tries to create and test a model to accomplish the examination destinations. Information was gathered from a comfort test of 200 respondents utilizing a survey. Survey comprises of 23 things measured on five point Likert scale. The information is dissected utilizing a few measurable methods to test the expressed theories. Graphic factual measures are utilized to depict the examination’s specimen attributes. Different relapse examination is utilized to discover the impact of the autonomous factors on the dependent variable. It was discovered that all the free factors significantly affected Lebanese consumer’s perception of product quality at the purpose of procurement. Proposals for future research, promoting suggestions, and confinements of this investigation are proposed.
Keywords :Packaging, Lebanese consumer’s, product quality, Protection, brand preference.
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the packaging features and attributes of a product
Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205
Article No : 10068
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References :
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... Less
- Ampuero & Vila, 2006. "Consumer Perceptions of Product Packaging". Journal of Consumer Marketing , 23(2).
- Arens, 1996. Contemporary advertising. Irwin, United States of America: Mcgraw-hill Higher Education.
- Berkowitz, E. N. K. R. A. R. W., 1989. "Marketing". 2nd edition ed. Boston: Irwin.
- Bix, L. R. N. L. H. F. J. d. l., 2002. " The Packaging Matrix: Linking Package Design Criteria to the Marketing Mix", s.l.: s.n.
- Bloch, 1995. “Seeking the ideal form: product design and consumer response”. Journal of Marketing, 59(3), pp. 16-29.
- Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene & Rutelione , 2008. “Impact of consumer package communication on consumer decision making process”. Journal of Marketing, 59(3), pp. 57-65.
- Cateora & Graham, 2002. International Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Clement, 2007. “Visual influence on in-store buying decisions: an eye-track experiment on the visual influence of packaging design”. Journal of Marketing Management, 23(9), pp. 917-928.
- Edward, 2013. “The influence of visual packaging design on perceived food product quality, value, and brand preference”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 41(10), pp. 805-816.
- Ferrell, 1987. "Marketing: Basic Concepts and Decision". 5th edition ed. United States of America: Houghton Mifflin Company.
- Frontiers, 1996. "Planning for Consumer Change in Europe 1996/1997," Henley center, cited in Connolly and Davison (1996) "How Does Design Affect Decisions at Point of Sale?,". Journal of Brand Management, 4(2), pp. 10-100.
- Gaafar, M. A., 2012. The Impact of Human Resource management Practices on Organizational Performance in Saudi Banking Sector. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(21), pp. 188-196.
- Ghani & Kamal, 2010. “The impact of in-store stimuli on the impulse purchase behavior of consumers in Pakistan”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2(8), pp. 155-162.
- Hari Govind and Jain Deepak, 2012. "The impact of packaging in consumer decision making of Namkeen product". journal of marketing & communication, 7(3), pp. 48-63.
- Hogan, 2007. "Convenience: Strengthening the Consumer- BrandRelationship", s.l.: s.n.
- Keller, 1998. Strategic brand management. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
- Kuvykaite, R. D. A. a. N., 2009. “Impact of package elements on consumer’s purchase decision”. Journal of Economics & Management, Volume 14.
- Lamb, C. W. H. J. F. a. C. M., 2004. "Marketing". 7th edition ed. South-western, Canada: Thomson.
- Lu, L. G. S. M. M., 2007. "Backaging As A Strategic Tool", Halmsted: Master Thesis, Halmsted University.
- Madden, Hewett & Roth, 2000. “Managing images in different cultures: A cross-national study of color meanings and preferences”. Journal of International Marketing, 8(4), pp. 90-107.
- Mallinckrodt & Mizerski, 2007. “The effects of playing an advergame on young children’s perceptions, preferences, and requests”. Journal of Advertising, 36(2), pp. 87-100.
- Mohd, R. J. J. S. W. a. S. J., 2010. “Purchase intention of organic food; perceived value”. Canadian Social Science, 9(1), pp. 70-79.
- Nilsson & Ostrom, 2005. “Logistics-driven packaging innovation: a case study at IKEA”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 39(9), pp. 638-657.
- Olson & Jacoby, 1972. Cue utilization in the quality perception process. Venkatesan, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Association for Counsumer Research, pp. 167-179.
- Panwar, 2004. "Beyond Consumer Marketing: Sectoral Marketing and Emerging Trends". New Delhi: Tejeshwar singh for response books, typeset in 10 pt.
- Patrick & Thaddeus, 2011. "The multiple of packaging in the entire marketing process channel of distribution and consumer perspective". international journal of business administration, 2(4), pp. 181-189.
- Pires, 2008. "Consumer Behavior: Product Characteristics and Quality Perception", s.l.: s.n.
- Prendergast & Pitt, 1996. “Packaging, marketing, logistics and the environment: are there trade-offs?”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 26(6), pp. 60-72.
- Regulation, C. o. M., 2013. “Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control, Regulation No. 299/2013”. Negarit Gazetta, FDRE.
- Retie & Brewer, 2000. "The Verbal and Visual Components of Package Design". Journal of product and brand management, 9(1), pp. 56-70.
- Rundh, 2005. "The multi-faceted dimension of packaging”. British Food Journal, 10(9), pp. 670-684.
- Schoell, 1985. "Marketing: Contemporary Concepts and Practices". 2th edition ed. United State of America: Allyn and Bacon.
- Silayoi & Speece, 2004. “Packaging and purchase decisions: an exploratory study on the impact of involvement level and time pressure”. British Food Journal, 106(8), pp. 607-628.
- Silayoi & Speece, 2007. "The Importance of Packaging Attributes: A Conjoint Analysis Approach". European Journal of Marketing, Volume 41, pp. 1495-1517.
- Staniewska et al, 2008. "Consumer Opinions on The Informational and Promotional Function of Unit Packaging of Dairy Products". polish journal of natural sciences, Volume 23, pp. 506-520.
- Tse, 1999. "Factors Affecting Consumer Perception on Product Safety". European Journal of marketing, 33(9-10), pp. 911-925.
- Underwood, Klein & Burke, 2001. “Packaging communication: attentional effects of product imagery”. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10(7), pp. 403-422.
- Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007. “The importance of packaging design for own-label food brands”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(9), pp. 677-690.
- Pizam, A. (2010). Creating memorable experiences. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3),343.
- Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard business review, 86(1), 25-40. Purnama, C. (2014). Influence of analysis work ethic to improve the ability and small industrial business success (studies in small industrial companies in East Java). British Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(2), 1-11.
- Purnama, C. (2011). Motivasi dan Kemampuan Usaha Dalam meningkatkan Keberhasilan Usaha Industri Kecil (Studi Pada Industri Kecil Sepatu di Jawa Timur). Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship), 12(2), 177-184.
- Qureshi, J. A., Hayat, K., Ali, M., & Sarwat, N. (2011). Impact of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance, evidence from Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(4), 642-657.
- Reed, R., Lemak, D. J., & Mero, N. P. (2000). Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of quality management, 5(1), 5-26.
- Shalley CE, Zhou J, Oldham GR. (2004). The effects of personal and contextual characteristics on creativity: where should we go from here? Journal of Management, 30(6):933–58.
- Solomon, G., Frese, M., Friedrich, C., & Glaub, M. (2013). Can personal initiative training improve small business success? A longitudinal South African evaluation study. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14(4), 255-268.
- Wiklund, J., & Shepherd, D. (2003). KnowledgeǦbased resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the performance of small and mediumǦsized businesses. Strategic management journal, 24(13), 1307-1314.
- Yang, S. B., & Ok Choi, S. (2009). Employee empowerment and team performance: Autonomy, responsibility,information, and creativity. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 15(5/6), 289-301. Zahra, S. A., & Covin, J. G. (1995). Contextual influences on the corporate entrepreneurship-performance relationship: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of business venturing, 10(1), 43-58. Reference to a book:
- Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, (2000). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan. Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
- Besant J., Whyte J., and Neely A. (2005). DTI think Piece Management of creativity and design within the firm, Advanced Institute for Management (AIM) and Imperial College.
- Drucker PF. (1985). Innovation and entrepreneurship: practice and principles. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.
- Ferdinand, Augusy, (2014). Metode Penelitian Manajemen, Pedoman Penelitian Untuk Penulisan Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi Ilmu Manajemen, Edisi 5, BP UNDIP Guilford, J.P. (1954). Psychometric Methods. Second edition. Tokyo: Kogakusha Company Ltd.
- Mulyadi dan Johny Setyawan, (2000), Sistem Prencanaan dan Pengendalian Manajemen, Edisi 1, PenerbitAditya Media, Yogyakarta.
- Suryana, (2006). Kewirausahaan. Pedoman Praktis, Kiat dan proses menuju sukses edisi revisi: Salemba empat, Jakarta.
- Utami, Munandar, S.C.. (2012). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Williams, F. (1980). Creativity Assesment Packet: Manual East Aurara,NY, DOK Publisser.