Adoption of Scientific Breeding Practices of Goat Owners in Chittorgarh District of Rajasthan
Authore(s) : R.K. Nagda || Professor
Volume : (7), Issue : (7), July - 2018
Abstract : Livestock play a vital role in the agriculture and rural economics of the developing world. Animal husbandry is a major economic activity of the rural peoples, especially in the Chittorgarh district of Southern Rajasthan. A field survey was conducted to study adopted scientific goat health care practices of 120 respondents of 8 villages of Chittorgarh and Kapasan tehsils of Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan were interviewed. Adoption is a mental process and depends on many factors viz., awareness knowledge, innovative ness and characteristics of an innovations etc. The study revealed that high adoption was noticed in heat detection by observing proper symptoms obtained overall first rank with 95.56 MPS. In which level of adoption Chittorgarh and Kapasan tehsil obtained first rank with 97.78 and 99.33 MPS in the study area. It was noted that most of goat owners were use of breeding buck for 25-30 Breedable goat was obtained second rank with 85.00 MPS, moreover similar rank found was both tehsils with 84.44 and 85.56 MPS respectively for breeding purposes in all categories. The lower adoption was found that Use of improved breeding buck and Feeding of extra ration for strength to breeding buck obtained eight ranks in the priority of adoption with 33.33 MPS respectively in the study area.
Keywords :Adoption, Goat Owners, Breeding, Practices, Chittorgarh and Rajasthan
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Adoption of Scientific Breeding Practices of Goat Owners in Chittorgarh District of Rajasthan
Vol.I (7), Issue.I (7)