Authore(s) : Jeanjean Thomas || Agrégé préparateur à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan Doctorant au CEREG Université Paris Dauphine ; Correspondance : ENS CachanDépartement d’économie et gestion61 avenue du président Wilson94235 Cachan CEDEX. Téléphone : Télécopie : Courrier électronique :
Volume : (13), Issue : 205, August - 2018
Abstract :
This communication is a literature review about earnings management. Two results are outlined : the absence of incentive strict monotony contrary to Watts & Zimmerman naïve hypothesis (1986) and the necessity to take into account constraints to earnings management to understand accouting policies.
Résumé : Cette communication est une revue de la littérature sur la gestion du résultat. Deux résultats apparaissent : l’absence de monotonie stricte des incitations contrairement à la formulation naïve des prédictions de Watts & Zimmerman (1986) et la nécessité de prendre en compte des contraintes pour comprendre les politiques comptables.Keywords :Gestion du résultat, accruals, incitations, contraintes.
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Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205
Article No : 10023
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References :
Aria A., Glover J., Sunder S., (1998), Earnings management and the revelation principle, Journal of accounting studies, volume 3, numéro 1 et 3, pp. 8-34.
Austin J., Gaver J., Gaver K. (1995), Additional evidence on bonus plans ans income management, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 19, numéro 1, pp. 3-28.
Beasley M. (1996), An empirical analysis of the relation between the board of director composition and financial... More
- Aria A., Glover J., Sunder S., (1998), Earnings management and the revelation principle, Journal of accounting studies, volume 3, numéro 1 et 3, pp. 8-34.
- Austin J., Gaver J., Gaver K. (1995), Additional evidence on bonus plans ans income management, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 19, numéro 1, pp. 3-28.
- Beasley M. (1996), An empirical analysis of the relation between the board of director composition and financial statement fraud, The accounting review, volume 71, numéro 4, pp. 443-465.
- Becker C., Defond M., Jiambalvo J., Subramanyam K.R. (1998), The effect of audit quality on earnings management, Contemporary accounting research, volume 15, numéro 1, pp. 1-24.
- Bujaki M., Richardson A. (1997), A citation trail review of the uses of firm size in accounting research, Journal of accounting literature, volume 16, pp. 1-27.
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- Healy P., Whalen J. (1998), A review of the earnings management litterature and its implications for standard setting, Working papper disponible sur http:\\www.ssrn.arn.
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- Jeanjean T. (1999), La théorie positive de la comptabilité : une revue des critiques, Cahier de Recherche du CEREG 99-12.
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- Jones J. (1991), Earnings management during import relief investigations, Journal of accounting research, volume 29, numéro 2 (automne), pp. 193-228.
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- Kahneman D., Tversky A. (1979), Prospect theory : an analysis under risk, Econometrica, volume 47, numéro 2, pp. 63-291.
- Key K.G. (1997), Political cost incentives for earnings management in the cable television industry, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 23, numéro 3, pp. 309-337.
- Niehaus G.R. (1989), Ownership structure and inventory method choice, The accounting review, Volume 64, numéro 2, pp. 269-284.
- Peasnell K., Pope P., Young S., (1998), Outside directors, board effectiveness and earnings management, Working Paper accounting reserach network, disponible sur Erreur! Signet non défini..
- Phillips F. (1999), Auditor attention to and judgments of aggresive financial reporting, Journal of accounting research, volume 37, numéro 1, spring, pp. 167-189.
- Press E.G., Wintrop J. (1990), Accounting based constraints in public and private debt agreements : their association with leverage and importance in accounting choice, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 12, pp.65-96.
- Scott W. (1997), Financial accounting theory, Prentice-Hall, p. 418.
- Schipper K. (1989), Commentary on Earnings management, Accounting horizons, volume 3, numéro 4, décembre, pp. 91-102.
- Smith E.D. (1976), The effect of separation of ownership and control on accounting policy decisions, The accounting review, numéro 51, octobre, pp. 707-723.
- Smith C., Warner J. (1979), On financial contracting : an analysis of bond covenants, Journal of financial economics, volume 7, pp. 117-161.
- Sweeney A.P. (1994), Debt covenant vilations and managers’ accounting responses, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 17, pp. 281-308.
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- Aria A., Glover J., Sunder S., (1998), Earnings management and the revelation principle, Journal of accounting studies, volume 3, numéro 1 et 3, pp. 8-34.
- Austin J., Gaver J., Gaver K. (1995), Additional evidence on bonus plans ans income management, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 19, numéro 1, pp. 3-28.
- Beasley M. (1996), An empirical analysis of the relation between the board of director composition and financial statement fraud, The accounting review, volume 71, numéro 4, pp. 443-465.
- Becker C., Defond M., Jiambalvo J., Subramanyam K.R. (1998), The effect of audit quality on earnings management, Contemporary accounting research, volume 15, numéro 1, pp. 1-24.
- Bujaki M., Richardson A. (1997), A citation trail review of the uses of firm size in accounting research, Journal of accounting literature, volume 16, pp. 1-27.
- Burgstahler D., Dichev I. (1997), Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses, Journal of accounting and economics, 24 (December), pp. 99-126.
- Bowen R., Noreen E., Lacey J. (1981), Determinants of the corporate decision to capitalize interest, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 3, pp. 151-179.
- Cahan S. (1992), The effect of antitrust investigations on dicretionary accruals : a refined test of the political cost hypothesis, The accounting review, volume 67, numéro 1, pp. 77-95.
- Carmines E., Zeller R. (1979), Reliability and validity assessment, Sage University Paper, série : Quantitative applications in the social sciences, 07-017, p. 71.
- Casta JF (2000), La théorie positive de la comptabilité, Encyclopédie de la comptabilité, du contrôle de gestion et de l’audit, Economica, pp. 1223-1332.
- Christie A., Zimmerman J. (1994), Efficient and opportunistic choices of accounting procedures : corporate control contests, The accounting review, volume 69, numéro 4, pp. 539-566.
- Cyert R., March J. (1963), A behavioral theory of the firm, 2ème édition (1992), Blackwell publishers, pp. 252. Daley LA, Vigeland RL. (1983), The effect of debt covenants and political costs on the choice of accounting methods ; the case of R&D costs, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 4, pp. 195-211.
- DeAngelo L. (1981), Auditor size and audit quality, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 3, pp. 183-199.
- DeAngelo H., DeAngelo L., Skinner D. (1994), Accounting choice in troubled companies, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 17, Janvier, pp. 113-143.
- Dechow P., Sloan R., Sweeney A.P. (1996), Causes and consequences of earnings manipulation, Contemporary accounting research, volume 13, pp. 1-36.
- DeFond M. & Jiambalvo J. (1994), Debt covenant violation and manipulation of accruals, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 17, pp. 145-176.
- DeFond M., Park C. (1997), Smoothing income in anticipation of future earnings, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 23, pp. 115-139.
- DeFond M., Subramanyam K.R., (1998), Auditor changes and discretionary accruals, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 25, numéro 1, février, pp. 35-69.
- Degeorge F, Patel J., Zeckhauser R. (1999), Earnings management to exceed tresholds, Journal of Business, volume 72, numéro 1, pp. 1-35.
- Dempsey S., Hunt H., Schroeder N. (1993), Earnings management and corporate ownership structure : an examination of extradordinary item reporting, Journal of business finance and accounting, volume 20, numéro 4, Juin, pp. 479-500.
- Demski J. (1988), Positive accounting theory : a review, Accounting, Organizations and Society, volume 13, numéro 6, pp. 623-629.
- Dhaliwal D. (1980), The effect of the firm’s capital structure on the choice of accounting methods, The accounting review, volume LV, numéro 1, Janvier, pp. 78-84.
- Dhaliwal D, Salamon G., Smith E., (1982), The effect of owner versus management control on the choice of accounting methods, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 4, pp. 41-53.
- Duke JC., Hunt HG. (1990), An empirical examination of debt covenants restrictions and accounting related debt proxies, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 12, pp. 97-122.
- Han J., Wang S. (1998), Political costs and earnings mangement of Oil companies during the 1990 persian gulf crisis, The accounting review, volume 73, numéro 1, pp. 103-117.
- Healy P. (1985), Evidence on the effect of bonus schemes on accounting procedure and accrual decisions,Journal of accounting and economics, volume 7, pp. 85-107.
- Healy P., Palepu K. (1990), Effectiveness of accounting based dividend covenants, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 12, pp. 97-122.
- Healy P., Whalen J. (1998), A review of the earnings management litterature and its implications for standard setting, Working papper disponible sur http:\\www.ssrn.arn.
- Hirst E. (1994), Auditor’s sensitivity to earnings management, Contemporary accounting research, volume 11 (Fall), pp. 405-422.
- Holthausen R.W. (1990), Accounting method choice : opportunistic behavior, efficient contracting and information perspective, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 12, pp. 207-218.
- Holthausen R.W., Larcker D., Sloan R. (1995), Annual bonus schemes and the manipulation of earnings, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 19, numéro 1, pp. 29-74.
- Jeanjean T. (1999), La théorie positive de la comptabilité : une revue des critiques, Cahier de Recherche du CEREG 99-12.
- Jensen M., Meckling W., (1976), Theory of the firm : managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure, Journal of financial economics, volume 3, pp. 305-360.
- Jones J. (1991), Earnings management during import relief investigations, Journal of accounting research, volume 29, numéro 2 (automne), pp. 193-228.
- Kamin J.Y., Ronen J. (1978), The smooting of income numbers : some empirical evidence of systematric differences among management-controlled ans owner-controlled firms, Accounting, Organizations and society, volume 3, numéro 2, pp. 141-157.
- Kahneman D., Tversky A. (1979), Prospect theory : an analysis under risk, Econometrica, volume 47, numéro 2, pp. 63-291.
- Key K.G. (1997), Political cost incentives for earnings management in the cable television industry, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 23, numéro 3, pp. 309-337.
- Niehaus G.R. (1989), Ownership structure and inventory method choice, The accounting review, Volume 64, numéro 2, pp. 269-284.
- Peasnell K., Pope P., Young S., (1998), Outside directors, board effectiveness and earnings management, Working Paper accounting reserach network, disponible sur Erreur! Signet non défini..
- Phillips F. (1999), Auditor attention to and judgments of aggresive financial reporting, Journal of accounting research, volume 37, numéro 1, spring, pp. 167-189.
- Press E.G., Wintrop J. (1990), Accounting based constraints in public and private debt agreements : their association with leverage and importance in accounting choice, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 12, pp.65-96.
- Scott W. (1997), Financial accounting theory, Prentice-Hall, p. 418.
- Schipper K. (1989), Commentary on Earnings management, Accounting horizons, volume 3, numéro 4, décembre, pp. 91-102.
- Smith E.D. (1976), The effect of separation of ownership and control on accounting policy decisions, The accounting review, numéro 51, octobre, pp. 707-723.
- Smith C., Warner J. (1979), On financial contracting : an analysis of bond covenants, Journal of financial economics, volume 7, pp. 117-161.
- Sweeney A.P. (1994), Debt covenant vilations and managers’ accounting responses, Journal of accounting and Economics, volume 17, pp. 281-308.
- Warfield T., Wild J., Wild K. (1995), Managerial ownership, accounting choices and informativeness of earnings, Journal of accounting and economics, volume 20, pp. 61-91.
- Watts R., Zimmerman J. (1986), Positive accounting theory, prentice Hall.
- Watts R., Zimmerman J. (1990), Positive accounting theory : a ten year perspective, The accounting review, vol.65, pp. 131-156.
- Young S. (1998), The determinants of managerial accounting policy choice : further evidence from the UK, Accounting and Business research, volume 28, numéro 2, pp. 131-143.
- Zmijewski M., Hagerman R., (1981), An income strategy approach to the positive theory of accounting standard setting/choice, Journal of accounting and Economics, Volume 3, pp. 129-149.