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An Exploratory Study on the Development of Tourism and the Domestic Tourists Travel Behaviour

Authore(s) : Supriya Bhutiani || Ph.D Research ScholarSinghania UniversityPacheri BariJhunjhunuRajasthan.

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019

Abstract : This paper studies the development of tourism is India. It also studies the domestic tourist’s travel behaviour in terms of major influencers for his/her destination choice. Exploratory research through secondary data analysis trace the stages of development of Indian tourism. Focus group interviews reveal the important parameters for the destination selection as well as the trip characteristics.

Keywords : Domestic tourism, development, destination selection.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 2017/2364

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The Development of Tourism and the Domestic Tourists Travel Behaviour

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10022

Number of Downloads : 100

References :
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