Comparative Economics and Qualitative Studies among Different Dry Flower Products
Authore(s) : Deepti Singh || Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Horticulture (Vegetable and Floriculture)Bihar Agricultural UniversitySabourBhagalpur Bihar 813 210India
Volume : (8), Issue : (7), July - 2019
Abstract : Fresh flowers play an important role in our day to day life, but if flowers before fading, are subjected to proper drying techniques, may also provide extra source of income throughout the year. Dry flower products have good demand both in domestic and foreign markets. India, due to its diverse climate and vast range of vegetation may play a keen role in foreign exchange earnings. USA, Japan and Europe have huge demands for dry flower products which are prepared at low cost but are purchased at higher prices due to handicrafts and novel designs. The use of dry flowers in making of diverse products enhances the appearance and beauty of handicrafts [1, 10]. In this era of climate change, dry flower products can be prepared throughout the year and may be a source of extra income to the farmer family. Left over fresh flowers with the incorporation of house hold waste materials can be easily converted into diverse valuable products on drying [8, 9]. Presently consumers are more ecoconscious and prefers ecofriendly and biodegradable products, and dry flowers are a good alternative [4, 9]. A wide ranges of wild/ unutilized/ underutilized plant species can be dried through different drying methods and can commercially utilized for making various dry flower products [2,3]. Dehydration technology helps in maintaining original colour and shape of flowers for long term utilization with a little care. With the sustainable help of other family members or rural women or physically challenged people, farmers can easily generate 1.75 times to 6.23 times profit.
Keywords :Dry flower products, dehydration, eco-friendly
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Comparative Economics and Qualitative Studies among Different Dry Flower Products
Vol.I (8), Issue.I (7)