Water-Disputes between India and Bangladesh on Ganga Water Agreement
Authore(s) : Nenavath Balu Naik ||| Reseacher
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, June - 2022
Abstract : The Ganga/Ganges River Water Agreement was signed in December 1996 between India and Bangladesh. In South Asia, the Ganga Water Arrangement is seen as one of the best ways for neighbouring upstream and downstream to talk with each other. This article looks at the Indo-Bangladesh Ganga Water Laws and the political reasons why the two countries signed an agreement.From the beginning of the discussion interaction to the present day, it has been studied and found that, while the specialised idea of the issue stays the same, changes in domestic government issues either help or hurt the discussion cycle. India and Bangladesh share 53 more streams, so it is important to come up with a good solution from the 1996 discussion that can be used for other waterway problems.
Keywords : water-dispute, India, Bangladesh, Ganga-water agreement, etc.,
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Since the 1970s, India and Bangladesh have had a lot of trouble getting along because of how they share stream water.
Vol.I 9, Issue.I 2