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Effects of global climate change on agriculture: an interpretative review

Authore(s) : Richard M. Adams || Department of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsOregon State UniversityCorvallisOregon 97331USA.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, May - 2018

Abstract : Climate  is the  primary determinant of agricultural productivity. Concern over  the  potential  effects of long-term climatic change on  agriculture has  motivated a substantial body of research over  the  past decade. This  body of research addresses possible physical effects of climatic change on agriculture, such as  changes in  crop  and livestock yields, as  well  as  the  economic consequences  of these potential yield  changes. This paper reviews the  extant literature on these physical and economic effects and interprets this  research in terms of common themes or findings. Of particular interest are findings concerning the  role  of human adaptations in responding to climate change, possible regional impacts to agricultural systems and potential changes in patterns of food  production and prices. Limitations and sensitivities of these findings are  discussed and key  areas of uncertainty are  highlighted. Finally, some speculations regarding issues of potential importance in interpreting and using information  on climate change and agriculture are  presented.

Keywords :Climate change · Agriculture · Economic consequences · Regional effects · Adaptations · Uncertainty.  

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global climate change on agriculture

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

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