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Protein C System Activity after Physical Exercise: Possible Thrombophilic Implications

Authore(s) : Pierpaolo Di Micco || Department of Internal MedicineFatebenefratelli HospitalNaplesItaly.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, February - 2018

Abstract : The role of influence on protein C anticoagulant system and on PC deficiency-related trombophilic risk due to strenuous physical exercise is still under discussion. In order to investigate the modification of the protein C anticoagulant pathway after strenuous exercise, we measured ProC® Global assay, a protein C activity dependent clotting time, in 10 healthy subjects before and immediately after maximal treadmill exercise, and at 5, 15, 30 and 60 min in the recovery phase. The most evident change was a shortening of ProC ®Global clotting time from a basal values of 123 sec to 84 sec at 30 min in post exercise. Our study shows that the coagulation unbalance observed after strenuous exercise and with no consequence in healthy individuals with normal PC level, could increase the thrombophilic risk in silent carriers of major defects of the protein C system and occasionally trigger an episode of deep vein thrombosis.

Keywords :ProC ®Global; Prot C unbalance after physical exercise; Physical exercise and thrombophilic risk.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 301/704

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Possible Thrombophilic Implications

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10049

Number of Downloads : 104

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