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Food Traditions and Overweight among Pakistanis in Norway: A Qualitative Interview Study

Authore(s) : Kari Glavin || Department of HealthVID Specialized UniversityOsloNorway.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, March - 2018

Abstract : Background: Pakistanis living in their host countries are more frequently overweight than in their home country. Overweight Pakistanis develop metabolic syndrome more easily than the native inhabitants, and type 2 diabetes are frequent. Objective: To describe food traditions of second- generation Pakistani mothers to attain knowledge about possible factors promoting overweight. Method: Qualitative interviews with mothers recruited by snowballing method in a Pakistani community. The individual interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. Using   text   condensation   and   content   analysis,   we searched  for  main  themes  contributing  to  the development of overweight. Results: Nine mothers were enrolled. We identified three main themes: composition of food, organization of meals and the significance of meals for mothers and grandparents. Traditional meals contained much oil and butter and the children were less enthusiastic about this. The meals were served buffet-style throughout the day with   few   communal   meals.   Frequent   “get-together parties”  with  plenty  of  food  and  sweets  united  the families.   Remnant   food   and   sweets   were   consumed during the week. Mothers were eager to please family members and therefore did not regulate what or how much was eaten. Grandparents were not opposed when they spoiled their grandchildren with food. Conclusion: The main factor promoting overweight in Pakistani families living in Norway seemed to be the abundance  of  food  and  sweets.  Meals  were  served without  restrictions. Serving  portions instead  of  having buffets, and limiting the assortments of sweets may be a first  step  to  guard  against  overweight.  The  younger Pakistani   generation   may   contribute   by   limiting   the consumption of food with high caloric density.

Keywords :Overweight; Food eating habits; Immigrants; Pakistani families; Qualitative research.  

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 301/704

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A Qualitative Interview Study

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10058

Number of Downloads : 103

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