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Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector in Nigeria: Structure, Challenges and Repositioning Strategies

Authore(s) : O. Bello1 and A.D.K Muhammad2

Volume : V(8), Issue : 10, October - 2021

Abstract : The paper  is  an  attempt to  analyse  the Nigerian  Technical and  Vocational Education  and Training (TVET) with a perspective of repositioning the sector. It presents briefly the historical overview of TVET in Nigeria. It also discusses TVET in the Nigerian education system, major problems of TVET sector and offer suggestions to address these challenges.  The paper agreed with the notion that TVET is an important tool to create employment, generate wealth, reduce poverty and increase the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country. The paper found that TVET sector in Nigeria is yet to be given the due recognition, needed support and acceptability. To reposition the TVET sector, the paper suggests that individuals, organisations and governments should be actively involved in  planning,  funding,  advocacy,  revitalization, development and administration of TVET.

Keywords :Institutions, skills development, programmes, employment, enterprises

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Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector in Nigeria: Structure, Challenges and Repositioning Strategies

Vol.I V(8), Issue.I 10

Article No : 1147

Number of Downloads : 102

References :
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