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Strategic Fashion Management: Concepts, Models and Strategies for Competitive Advantage

Authore(s) : Ranjit Thind || MANAGEMENT RESEARCHER

Volume : (11), Issue : 605, January - 2017

Abstract : Strategic Fashion Management:  Concepts, Models and Strategies for Competitive  Advantage  features  a wide range  of  strategic  theory  and  con- cepts, which are explained  and  applied  to contemporary fashion  cases and scenarios.  In doing so, the book  provides an excellent balance  between aca- demic concepts and industry  insights. Many fashion business books concen- trate  on one at the expense of the other.  However,  in this text Ranjit  Thind does both,  having applied  many years of international management experi- ence to provide  thoughtful analysis and practical  direction  for readers.  It is ideal for final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students,  together  with anyone working in the fashion industry who wants an understanding of winning strategic thinking.

Keywords :Strategic,, Fashion , Management:  ,Concepts, Models and Competitive  Advantage 

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Introduction The business of fashion is at an inflection point  as rapidly evolving tech- nologies, geopolitical stresses and changing consumers are all disrupting traditional business models and adding great complexity to decision-making.

Vol.I (11), Issue.I 605

Article No : 78445

Number of Downloads : 105

References :
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