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Dental Bleaching and New Possibilities: Literature Review

Authore(s) : Marcelo Teles Junior || University Center of the Educational Foundation of BarretosSPBrazil.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, April - 2018

Abstract : Dental bleaching is an initial step in the analysis and reproduction of smile aesthetics, so it is very important that the dentist knows  how  to diagnose the causes of color change and to indicate whitening before proposing the appropriate dental procedure. With the technological advance, dental  bleaching  techniques have emerged to facilitate its use and improve comfort, safety and time reduction in the execution of the technique. The conventional means of external dental whitening is with carbamate or hydrogen peroxide photoactivated or not. However,   the   home   and   office  whitening   procedure causes   dental   sensitivity.  There   is   a   new   bleaching proposal on the market without the use of bleaching gels, thus reducing post-treatment sensitivity. Such a proposal elucidates ultraviolet light as a bleaching agent.  

Keywords :Bleaching; Ultraviolet light; Peroxides.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 301/704

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New Possibilities: Literature Review

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10056

Number of Downloads : 128

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