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The Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Into the Practice of Psychology: A Vision for the Future

Authore(s) : Jeffrey E. Barnett and Allison J. Shale || Loyola University Maryland.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, October - 2018

Abstract : Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has a long history of use with some modalities being in existence for thousands of years. In recent years there has been a greater awareness of the many benefits of CAM for promoting health and wellness as well as for ameliorating a wide range of conditions and ailments treated by psychologists and other health professionals. One vision of the future of the practice of psychology includes each psychologist developing and maintaining competence in CAM and integrating it into each client’s care as is relevant and appropriate. Support is provided for the belief that CAM will play an important role in the practice of psychology for years to come. Relevant issues emphasized include an emphasis on Evidence Based Practice in Psychology, the needs and preferences of a rapidly diversifying society, and the increasing focus on health promotion, wellness, spirituality, and many non-Western traditions that are consistent with this approach. This article provides an overview of each of the 14 most widely used forms of CAM, discusses limitations in the current body of scientific evidence in support of CAM and makes recommendations for how psychologists should be integral in addressing them, highlights ethical issues that each psychologist will want to be cognizant of and address when integrating CAM into their practices, and makes recommendations for education, training, and practice.  

Keywords :Complementary, alternative, medicine, practice, ethics.

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A Vision for the Future

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

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References :
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