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Land Use Pattern in India and Karnataka: A Comparative Analysis

Authore(s) : Dr. Premakumara || Sr. Asst. Professor of EconomicsUniversity of MysoreSir M.V. PG CentreMandya.

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019

Abstract :  In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze the agricultural land use pattern in India and Karnataka. The study is based on secondary data collected from secondary sources. The study gives a brief explanation on the aspects responsible for declining of agricultural land, in the present years. The study reveals that the net area sown has been increased in Karnataka and declined in India. It has been also identified by the study that the share of horticulture area is more in Karnataka compared to India. The rate of growth of horticultural area was higher in India compared to Karnataka. Therefore, Karnataka has greater potential to increase horticulture area in order to make the Karnataka economy and agriculture more prosperous and sustainable.

Keywords :Land Use Pattern, Agricultural Land, Socio-Economic Factors, Net Area Sown, Horticulture Area.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 2017/2364

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A Comparative Analysis

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10018

Number of Downloads : 115

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