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Civil aviation and Risk management Case study: Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport


Volume : (13), Issue : 205, June - 2019

Abstract : This article discusses the topic of risk management in the civil aviation sector with a case study that concerns the BRHIA airport in Beirut. It consists of two parts, the first is theoretical and is a bibliographic review of various researches that fall under the topic of risk management and different definitions and strategies of crisis management, as well as the various gaps that weaken this field. The second part is the case study with all the steps necessary for its conduction, such as the definition of the study's methodology, the choice of the sample, the variables of the study tools needed, and the questionnaire. 189 persons at the General Directorate of Civil Aviation in Lebanon, SPSS results show that crisis management, professional experience and all their components exert a strong influence on crisis management; whereas the conflict of power, political interference and all their components as well as the organization's performance, coordination, control, auditing and all of its components exert a negative influence on crisis management. This study with its theoretical and practical parts, including the quantitative parts, allow us to study the different dimensions of the crisis which are related to the variables selected from the questionnaire and classified into 8 categories of labels: 1-Perception of the nature of the crisis, 2- Coordination and Cooperation, 3-Training, 4-Power Conflict, 5-Political Intervention, 6-Practice of Control and Audit, 7-Organizational Performance, 8-Crisis Management and Professional Experiences.

Keywords :BRHIA, normal incident, BCM, crisis management, response, Beirut, SPSS.

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Case study: Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10033

Number of Downloads : 136

References :
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