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Authore(s) : Dr. Aasif Ali Naikoo ;Dr. Rayeesa Akhter

Volume : (V8), Issue : 9, May - 2021

Abstract : Rural development is a process of rural modernization and economic development of villages. It is a strategy to improve the quality of life and to meet the required need of rural people. Rural development is also a transition from rural backwardness to rural economy. It is not only to increase the per capita income in rural areas but also to check the food and nutrition, standard of life, proper housing, health improvement, modern education, easy transportation, social security and social development. Rural development works on ground level and creates job industry at village level by different schemes, which plays a great role in eradication of poverty and unemployment issues. The basic objective of this paper is to highlight the impact of rural development on transformation of life in rural area of District Kulgam Jammu and Kashmir. It will also highlight the issues which were a big burden in the past and the development features attained by district under rural development. There is a need of proper cooperation and coordination among the rural development authorities and other institutes who are working for public welfare to achieve this goal. This paper contains some suggestions at the end, if they are implemented at the ground level, it will help in the sustainable development of the current District.

Keywords :Development, Education, Modernization, public welfare and poverty.

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Vol.I (V8), Issue.I 9

Article No : 458

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References :
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