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A Glance at English Language and its Impact on Learners and Teachers

Authore(s) : Julian Simon

Volume : 8, Issue : 7, September - 2021

Abstract : This research note attempts to gives an overview of the global spread of the English language and its influence on socio-economic circumstances and its resulting impact on English language education from around the world. The paper also sheds light on students’ perception of ideal language teachers, while emphasizing that language teaching requires cultural and linguistic competence, yet it does not require being a native speaker. Finally, the paper also offers insights into what it takes to become an effective language and emphasizes the role of teacher autonomy in promoting learner autonomy and draws attention  to  the facilitative role of language teachers during  the development of language learner autonomy.

Keywords :Autonomy, learner autonomy, native speaker, the English language, the global spread

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A Glance at English Language and its Impact on Learners and Teachers

Vol.I 8, Issue.I 7

Article No : 129

Number of Downloads : 101

References :
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