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Authore(s) : Myrtel L. Diu;Ariel Tinapay;Jan Axel Cortes;Shiela Tirol;James Samillano

Volume : V(9), Issue : 07, July - 2022

Abstract : This study determined the motivation and barriers to learning of the students in the case of online education of Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges Elementary Department, Bogo City, Cebu for the school year 2020-2021. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:  What is the level of motivation of the pupils to learn in terms of (a) extrinsic motivation; and (b) intrinsic motivation? What are the levels of barrier to learning as perceived by the respondents in the online distance learning in terms of (a) physical and mental condition; (b) environment; and (c) confidence? The descriptive method was used to identify the motivation and barriers to learning. Their motivation and barriers to online education were tested through an adapted questionnaire The findings show that there is a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and motivation of learning. The study concluded that the motivation of students in learning online depends upon the external barriers of learning. The participants’ perspective shows that the teacher’s support and simplified activities and parent’s provision of good internet connectivity and the device can make a strong learning motivation. It is recommended that the activities during online class should be very simple because learners have no choice since it is still in a midst of health crisis. Students should be supported in their online classes. Parents, teachers, and other stakeholders shall work together to address the needs of the learners.

Keywords :motivations, barriers to learning, case of online education, support teaching assistance, stakeholders

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Vol.I V(9), Issue.I 07

Article No : 668

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