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Effect of Concept Mapping Strategy on Junior Secondary Education Students’ Achievement and Interest in Trigonometry in Southern Kaduna Senatorial Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria.


Volume : V(8), Issue : 8, November - 2022

Abstract : The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  determine  effect  of  concept  mapping  strategy  on  junior secondary school students’ achievement and interest in trigonometry. Also differential effect of gender on achievement in trigonometry was examined. A quasi experimental design of non- equivalent pre-test post-test control group was used. Stratified random sampling technique was adapted in selecting 180 JSS2 students from four schools in two local government areas in southern  senatorial  zone  of  Kaduna  state.  Two  research  instruments  developed  by  the researchers and used for data collection were: Students’ trigonometry achievement test (STAT) and students’ interest inventory (SII).Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the three research questions, while three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 error margins using the t-test analysis. The result of the findings showed that there was significant difference in the mean achievement scores and  interest rating  of students exposed to  concept mapping  strategy in trigonometry. Also, there was significant effect of gender on achievement of students exposed to concept mapping strategy. The researchers recommended among other things: the integration of concept mapping strategy in the curriculum, adequate training of mathematics teachers on the use of concept mapping strategy in junior secondary school level. ABSTRACT

Keywords :concept mapping; achievement; interest; gender.

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Effect of Concept Mapping Strategy on Junior Secondary Education Students’ Achievement and Interest in Trigonometry in Southern Kaduna Senatorial Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Vol.I V(8), Issue.I 8

Article No : 784

Number of Downloads : 103

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