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The Nigerian Legislature and its Constituency Representational Role: Focus on the Fourth Republic Democratic Governance

Authore(s) : VICTOR VINCENT OKPE* AND AYO OYEKOLA*||management researcher

Volume : 9, Issue : 01, November - 2022

Abstract : This study examined the political representational role of Nigerian lawmakers, their relationship with their constituencies and its impact on democratic consolidation under the nation’s fourth republic. It relied on secondary materials such as journal articles, books, and the theory of liberal democracy as a framework of analysis. From the analysis, results revealed a bleak representation and relationship between the lawmakers and their political constituencies. Their poor pattern of relationship was attributed to many factors which include corruption and poor political education on the responsibilities of the lawmakers. Other factors revealed include absence of transparency and accountability, limited resources, time constraints, and personal interest at the expense of public interest by the lawmakers. Their  pattern of relations, without doubt, contradicts  the principle of liberal democracy which is centered around fair citizen representation and political participation in the affairs of the state. It does not consolidate democracy. In a democracy, sovereignty belongs to the people and, therefore, the ultimate concern of the state should be focused on the people. Based on the results, there is need for better representation of the people by their lawmakers. The lawmakers should also educate their constituents on their major constitutional roles, promote public interest, and consolidate democracy. The constituents and the political system must also be able to hold parliamentarians accountable. When this is achieved, the people would be well-represented, and democracy consolidated. Lastly, while the research would be of benefit to the lawmakers, their constituents, the public, researchers and, by extension, the body of knowledge, future study should examine the legislature and its execution of constituency projects in Nigeria.

Keywords :Constituency representation, Democracy, Fourth republic, Legislature, Nigeria

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The Nigerian Legislature and its Constituency Representational Role: Focus on the Fourth Republic Democratic Governance

Vol.I 9, Issue.I 01

Article No : 1312-342

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References :
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