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L’approche du ‘design science au cœur du débat rigueur / pertinence

Authore(s) : Amandine PASCAL || Maître de conférences en Sciences de Gestion Université de la MéditerranéeAix-Marseille II Laboratoire LEST 35 avenue Jules Ferry

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, April - 2018

Abstract : The aim of this paper is to highlight the 'design science' approach which is of growing interest in many European and American journals and conferences. This approach has received too little attention in the French IS community. In this paper, we have chosen to present it by deepening both its contributions but also its limits to the rigor and relevance debate that animates the community.

Keywords :Design science, rigor, relevance, design science methodology.

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 2364/2018

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L’approche du ‘design science au pertinence.

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10034

Number of Downloads : 101

References :
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