A Critical Study of Special Economic Zones in India
Authore(s) : Dr. Ashok Shankarrao Pawar || Research Guide and Associate ProfessorDepartment of EconomicsDr. BAMUAurangabad
Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019
Abstract : The Government of India has introduced policy for SEZ’s in 2000 in view to attract the foreign investment into the Indian territory for export and import competitiveness. Various modes of application were brought infor setting up of SEZ. The main and important issues regarding the land acquisition have to be criticized for forceful acquisition of land by the corporate in live of meager compensation from the land owner. After independence Bhudan movement was carried by Vinoba Bhave but now nobody can restrict to the corporate and capitalist from land grabbing movement. Even Government machinery has closed its eyes for this and is helping them by lawful grabbing. Keshvanand Bharti’s decision on the right to property held that SEZ is made for the public purpose therefore acquisition of land is valid
Keywords :Special Economic ,Zone- Acquisition, Rehabilitation, Migration, Employment Generation
Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 2017/2364
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Study of Special Economic Zones
Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211