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A Study on Customer Experience Measurement in Retail Sales and Service Check Reliability by Mystery Shopping Method

Authore(s) : J.MARTIN LEONARD || Teaching AssistantIndian Institute of Management - TiruchirappalliTamilnadu.

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019

Abstract : Marketing, as Peter Drucker says, is nothing but looking at your own business processes from customers’ point of view. In this view, Mystery shopping is a valuable tool to identify the business to improve their current status, and help them to understand the areas which will be improves through the customer experience audit. This kind of audit should to be done to evaluate the current status of the management process. If we like to maximize profits, we need strategies, and then implement it at right time. In that situation, Mystery shopping is a tool to develop the marketing strategy to attain the business goals and objectives. Because a good strategy is based on the perfect analysis of empirical data,including market needs and trends, competitor capabilities and offerings, and the organization's resources and abilities. In that way mystery shopping is a healthy tool and remedial action for this present retail sales sector and also it’s useful to evaluate the service quality in the service delivery process. It brings the effective report and positive solutions for the retail sales and service sector.  And It brings also the effective report and positive solutions for customers in financial, automotive, and hospitality industries.

Keywords :Mystery shopping or a Mystery audit, Evaluator, Participant observer, Mystery auditors & Mystery shopper, CCA.

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Retail Sales and Service Check Reliability by Mystery Shopping Method

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10031

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References :
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