A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Tvs Scooty In Thanjavur District Of Tamilnadu
Authore(s) : Dr. M. K. DURGAMANI || Asst. Prof.Department of Commerce & Mgt. Studies,SASTRA University SRCKumbakonam 612 001,Tamil Nadu.
Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019
Abstract : Due to increasing urbanization, inadequate transportation in developing cities and urban areas two wheelers as a product has travelled a long way from a luxury product to essential product. Thanjavur district with its rich educational heritage, tourist spots, law order situation excellent climate, culture, connectivity to rest of India, excellent educational infrastructure has become a preferred destination for the study. This study is conducted in Thanjavur district with a sample size of 105 customers.
Keywords :Brand preference, Customer satisfaction, expectation, TVS Scooty, Two- wheeler.
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Customer Satisfaction Towards Tvs Scooty
Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211
Article No : 10020
Number of Downloads : 105
References :
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- Philip Kotlar, Marketing Management, Pearson Education. (2005) |
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- Agarwal. P.K, Marketing Management, An Indian Perspective, Pragati Prakashan publishers. (2009) |
- Philip Kotlar, Marketing Management, Pearson Education. (2005) |
- Ravilochanan.P, Marketing Management, Margham publishers. (2006) |
- B a j a j . R ,(1986),”Two wheelers-Marketing Forces Takeover” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.42. |
- Maheskumar. S, Automobiles Speeding A head, Facts for you, January, (2011) |
- Kartikeya Batra (2010) Two wheeler industry business and management. |
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