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Consumption Habits in Morocco and Their Influencing Factors

Authore(s) : Rachida Belloute || Biology DepartmentMoulay Ismail UniversityB.P. 11201ZitouneMeknesMorocco,

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019

Abstract : The main objective of this study is to describe eating habits in relation with some influencing factors and to determine the current trends of consumer behavior. It is based on a structured questionnaire with a sample of 100 respondents. The results obtained show that food rhythms of respondents used to be structured. Meals were taken at home with family at a steady pace. Currently, the constraint of time and the work schedule result in irregular eating habits such as skips of meal and high frequency of outside consumption. Consumers do not seem conscious of their diets; the choice of meals consumed outside is based primarily on pleasure. The meals are not diversified. They tend to be high in meat and low in vegetables and fish. These behaviors are influenced by several factors and reflect a nutritional transition to which women and people having a high level of education, especially scientists, are relatively resistant.

Keywords :choice, preference, meal, food.

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Consumption Habits in Their Influencing Factors

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10022

Number of Downloads : 108

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