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Authore(s) : Robert E. LUCASJr. || University of ChicagoChicago/ L 60637USA Received August 1987final version received February 1988.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, January - 2019

Abstract : This  paper  considers  the prospects for constructing  a neoclassical theory of growth and interna­tional  trade  that  is consistent  with some of the main  features  of economic  development.  Three models are considered  and compared to evidence: a model emphasizing physical capital accumula­tion  and  technological change, a model emphasizing human  capital accumulation  through  school­ing, and a model emphasizing specialized human capital accumulation  through learning-by-doing.  

Keywords :Mechanics, Economic Development, accounting, observed pattern.

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Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10046

Number of Downloads : 111

References :
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