“Pre-Purchase And Post-Purchase Behaviour Of Customers With Reference To Tvs Motors In Erode District, Tamilnadu”
Authore(s) : Dr.T.Vetrivel || Professor & HeadDepartment of Management StudiesVelalar College of Engineering and TechnologyThindalErode Tamilnadu.
Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019
Abstract : This research is outcome of the study conducted on Pre-purchase and Post-purchase Behaviour of Customers with reference to TVS Motors in Erode District. This study was carried out for a period of 9 Months from in Erode district. The objective of conducting this project work is to identify the attitude of two-wheeler owners towards TVS Motors. For this purpose 300 two-wheeler owners/customers were taken as sample for the study in order to get the needed information. The study is a descriptive type and convenient sampling is used. The data are collected from survey using questionnaire through interview schedule. Consumers make three types of purchases: trial purchases, repeat purchases and long term commitment purchases. When a consumer purchases a product (or brand) for the first time and buys a smaller quantity than usual, this purchase would be considered a trial. Thus, a trial is the exploratory phase of purchase behaviour in which consumers attempt to evaluate a product through direct use. The collected data were consolidated and interpreted by using statistical tools like percentage analysis, weighted average ranking method and chisquare test. Tables and charts are used for representation purpose. From this survey, it was found that TVS vehicles are mainly preferred for its Power & Pickup, Safety & Comfort and Design. Performance is a major factor for purchasing TVS brand. TVS motors has to update its technology to meet the changing customer needs and preference to cope up with the competitions in the market and adequate steps should be made to increase the quality in their services for better customer satisfaction.
Keywords :Purchase Behaviour, and Customer Preference.
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Customers With Reference To Tvs Motors In Erode District
Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211
Article No : 10024
Number of Downloads : 104
References :
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Jay.D.Lindqist and Joseph Sirgy.M,... More
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- Kothari.C.R, (2003)’Research Methodology Methods and Techniques’, Wishwa Prakasham Publica- tions, New Delhi, Second Edition, pp. 3 – 5, 72 – 83, 188 – 191, 277 - 284.
- Dr. Abdul Haneef.M, Dr. Edwin Gnandhas.M and Mr. Abdul Karim.B.A, (2006) ‘Consumer Buyer Behaviour of Two-wheelers in Thirunelveli City, Tamilnadu’ Indian Journal of Marketing, April, Vol. 26, Issue: 4, pp. 29 – 36.
- Jay.D.Lindqist and Joseph Sirgy.M, (2003) ‘Shopper, Buyer and Consumer Behaviour’, Bistantra Publishers (P). Ltd., Second Edition, pp. 34 – 37.
- Leon.G.Schiffman and Laslie Lazar Kanuk, (2003) ‘Consumer Behaviour’, Prentice – Hall of India (P). Ltd., Eight Edition, pp. 568 – 571.
- Philip Kotler, (2004) ‘Marketing Management’, Prentice – Hall of India (P). Ltd., Eleventh Edition, pp. 202 – 210, 317 – 325.
- Dr. Satya Sundaram.I, (2006) ‘Two-wheelers: Power, Style and Mileage’, Facts For You, January, Vol. 26, Issue: 4, pp. 17 – 20.
- Subhadip Roy, (2006) ‘Consumer Choice of Motorbike Attributes: An Application of Conjoint Analysis’, The ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management, February, Vol. 5, Issue: 1, pp. 48 – 56.
- Prof. Suresh.A.M and Mr. Raja.K.G, (2006) ‘Measuring Customer Satisfaction for Two-wheelers – An Empirical Study’, Indian Journal of Marketing, February, Vol. 26, Issue: 2, pp. 3 – 8. | WEBSITES: | www.autoindia.com | www.tvsmotors.co.in |