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Self Esteem Impact on The Sales Executives Performance – an Empirical Study

Authore(s) : Dr. V. Narasimha Rao || Professor & Director,P.G. Department of Business AdministrationAkkineniNageswara Rao CollegeGudivada – 521301.

Volume : (3), Issue : 211, January - 2019

Abstract : The increase in complexity of products, changing life style and ever growing competition has increased theimportance of sales executives in the marketing effort of a firm. If a company wants to maximize the effectiveness of its marketing, the sales force of a company needs to be compensated to keep its morale hig h. The motivation of sales force is a major challenge to the management. Individuals with high self esteem tend to be confident and thus act more confidently. The broad objective of this research study is to identify the impact of self-esteem on the performance of sales executive. The findings of the study confirmed the impact of self-esteem on the performance of sales executives. The self-esteem and locus of control-internal have proved to be two strong personality factors that influence the performance of the sales executives. The organizations can substantially enhance the performance of sales executives by satisfying their ego needs in which self-esteem has been a key component.

Keywords :Self-esteem, Locus of Control, Sales Performance.

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The Sales Executives Performance – an Empirical Study

Vol.I (3), Issue.I 211

Article No : 10026

Number of Downloads : 100

References :
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