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The Role of Imaging in Examining Neurological Disorders; Assessing Brain, Stroke, and Neurological Disorders Using CT and MRI Imaging

Authore(s) : Shoaa G. Shetewi || Department of RadiologyKing Abdulaziz University HospitalJeddahKSA.

Volume : (1), Issue : (5), May - 2020

Abstract : Background: Neurological disorder is identified as a severe cause of mortality among the patients. Given the severity of the disorder, various tools have been developed for the effective scanning of the symptoms and causes. Objective: The study intends to compare the two advanced neuroimaging tools i.e. computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for assessing the patients of the possible brain, stroke, and neurological disorders concern their neurological symptoms and signs. Method: The retrospective study was conducted and medical records of 151 patients were assessed statistically. Chi-square test was applied to the collected data. Results: The results of the study provided that multiple seizures (15.2%) served as the major cause of examination, followed by a headache (9.9%), visual complaint (7.9%), single seizure (5.3%), gait abnormality (3.3%) and altered consciousness (2.6%); whereas, speech difficulty remained low (1.3%). CT scan findings of the patients reported parieto-temporal area and development of acute hypo densities as the prime concerns, where its results remained insignificant (0.29). Using MRI, unremarkable MRI was majorly reported, followed by lateralized to one side, stable MRI feature, bilateral symptoms, and ischemic disease. The results of MRI were significant (0.00). Conclusion: The study concludes that magnetic resonance imaging is more effective for the evaluation of the neurological disorders as compared to CT scan.

Keywords :CT Scan, MRI, Neurological Disorder, Brain, Stroke

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The Role of Imaging in Examining Neurological Disorders; Assessing Brain, Stroke, and Neurological Disorders Using CT and MRI Imaging

Vol.I (1), Issue.I (5)

Article No : 10224

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