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Techniques to Avoid Bleeding of Gingiva during Dental Restorations – Hand Instrument for Gingival Displacement

Authore(s) : González-GonzálezJesús M || Ballicher of Medicine

Volume : (7), Issue : (11), November - 2018

Abstract : Introduction: when a dental restorative treatment is done near the gingiva, it can bleed and restoration will be defective. Theaim of this work was to study techniques that prevent the bleeding of the gingiva during dental restorations and propose a hand instrument for gingival displacement. Materials and methods: It was made a review of dental products distributed online through the web pages of 50 companies, from 6 different European countries. It was tried to locate materials and hand instruments to prevent bleeding of the gingiva during dental restorations. Results: no hand instrument was found among the materials distributed by those companies for that purpose. We propose an instrument consisting of three parts: an "active part, "a "handle" and a "zone of union". Discussion: for its application, it is placed in the "free gingival sulcus". Direct pressure on the gingiva gives hemostasis, which facilitates the restoration. Conclusions: the usefulness of this instrument is in "Conservative Dentistry" to restore tooth cervical lesions.

Keywords :Restoration, instrument, retraction, gingival, hand

Article: Download PDF Journal DOI : 142/231

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Techniques to Avoid Bleeding of Gingiva during Dental Restorations - Hand Instrument for Gingival Displacement

Vol.I (7), Issue.I (11)

Article No : 12014

Number of Downloads : 101

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