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Alternative Therapies: New Approaches in Counseling

Authore(s) : Sule Bastemura || Yuzuncu Yil UniversityEducational Sciences DepartmentVanTurkey.

Volume : (13), Issue : 205, December - 2018

Abstract : The purpose of this study is to analyze the counselors’ perspectives towards alternative therapies (AT) and whether they use alternative  therapies  in their professional  life or not. The questionnaire  was prepared  by the researchers based on literature review and experts’ opinion. A qualitative research design and structured interview technique as the  data  collection  tool  were  used  in  this  research.  Counselors’  perspectives  about  alternative  therapies  were examined by content analysis. Results indicated that counselors have limited knowledge about alternative therapies.

Keywords :Alternative therapies; counseling; new approaches.  

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New Approaches in Counseling

Vol.I (13), Issue.I 205

Article No : 10027

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References :
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